Coffed Sp. z o.o.
Coffed Sp. z o.o. z Piła:
Welcome to Coffed World – Your Trusted Partner in Professional Coffee Roasting Solutions!
Our journey began in 2008, building on the owner’s extensive experience with green coffee beans . The seeds for our coffee roasting business were planted long before, fueled by a passion for quality and innovation.
Initially, we focused on connecting buyers and sellers of industrial machinery, facilitating the purchase and sale of coffee-related equipment. In 2009, we successfully completed a landmark project for Mokate in Żory, renovating and delivering top-tier machinery.
Today, Coffed is proud to be a leading manufacturer of commercial coffee roasters. We offer state-of-the-art coffee roasting machines that meet the highest standards of quality, efficiency, and reliability. Whether you're a coffee roastery looking to upgrade or expand, or a newcomer to the industry, we provide tailored solutions to meet your needs. Trust us to deliver innovative coffee roasting technology designed to bring out the best in every bean!
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Używany prażak Probat GN 25 z cyklonem i odkamieniaczem. Remont przeprowadzony w 2014 roku. Ifrk8Ibbj......
Production Time - 4 weeks EFFICIENCY Roasting capacity: up to 12 kg/h Roasting time: 8-20 min. Batch: 1-3 kg EFFICIENCY DEPENDS ON • Quality of green coffe • Green coffee moisture ......
Produktion Time - 6 - 8 weeks EFFICIENCY Roasting capacity: to 20 kg/h Roasting time: 8-20 min. Batch: 2-6 kg EFFICIENCY DEPENDS ON Bd7Alhf9Svf • Quality of green coffe • Green cof......
PRODUCTION TIME: 6 to 8 weeks EFFICIENCY Roasting capacity: up to 60 kg/h Roasting time: 8-20 min. Batch: 6-15 kg EFFICIENCY DEPENDS ON • Quality of green coffe • Green coffee mois......
Production Time: 6 to 8 weeks Dd3Y2Epov EFFICIENCY Roasting capacity: up to 100 kg/h Roasting time: 8-20 min. Batch: 10-25 kg EFFICIENCY DEPENDS ON • Quality of green coffe • Green......
Production Time - 10 weeks Batch size: 60-120 kg Efficiency up to 480 kg/h Roasting time: 10-20 min Bzwi3F2Uii Technical parameters Burner: Fully modulated with firing manager ele......
Production Time: 6 to 8 weeks Batch size: 30-60 kg Efficiency up to 240 kg/h Roasting time 8-20 min Bd7C3H9U7Al Technical parameters Burner Fully modulated with firing manager ele......
Production Time - 6 to 8 weeks Batch size: 15-30 kg Efficiency up to: 120 kg/h Roasting time 12-35 min Technical parameters Burner Fully modulated with firing manager electrical ig......
Technical parameters About Afterburner The SA15/25 Afterburner works by heating the coffee roaster exhaust gasses up to 650 °C (minimum 300°C). This process effectively breaks down......
Technical parameters About Afterburner The SA5 Afterburner works by heating the coffee roaster exhaust gasses up to 650 °C (minimum 300°C). This process effectively breaks down the......
Technical parameters About Afterburner The SA60/120 Afterburner works by heating the coffee roaster exhaust gasses up to 650 °C (minimum 300°C). This process effectively breaks dow......
Nowa maszyna do automatycznej aplikacji etykiet samoprzylepnych na gotowe torebki. N3D8Hytldt Wsparcie techniczne, montaż, uruchomienie, gwarancja.......
Maszyna do pakowania kawy w kapsuły - format senseo Gwarancja, montaż, szkolenie, wsparcie techniczne Dnr8Ul......
The offer concerns a complete coffee production line with a capacity of up to 1200 kg/h The line consists of the following devices: 1. Silo for storing green coffee. - feeding gree......
Piec do prażenia kawy Diedrich CR-70 w pełni sprawny, z pełnym wyposażeniem. W zestawie komin izolowany. C92Axsm......
Jesteśmy producentem prażaków do palenia kawy marki coffed Coffee Roasters, jednocześnie wykonujemy remonty kapitalne przemysłowych urządzeń do palenia kawy renomowanej niemieckiej......
Używany prażak do kawy Probat L 25 w bardzo dobrym stanie technicznym. Dq8Yfd......